The AICPA Peer Review Program helps ensure public accounting firms maintain professional standards and provide high quality accounting and auditing services. Every three years, all firms must go through a peer review by an independent CPA firm.
Since the program’s inception more than 25 years ago, Purvis Gray has administered multiple reviews for other CPA firms. Our qualified professionals maintain current knowledge of issues and best practices to conduct an effective peer review. Our professionals can also assist firms in enhancing their quality control policies and procedures, learning from other firms' best practices in the process.
Regardless of your needs, we welcome the opportunity to administer a peer review for your CPA firm.

Services Include
Report Review
System Review
Engagement Review
Helen Painter, Team Captain and Tim Westgate, Team Member are available to discuss your Peer Review needs. Our resumes are available on the AICPA Peer Review website and we are qualified to perform reviews of engagements such as Employee Benefit Plans, Federal Single Audits, and Yellow Book Audits.
We welcome the opportunity to administer a peer review for your CPA firm, assist with your annual monitoring (internal inspections) or assist with the remedial corrective action plans from prior Peer Reviews.